Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wow! 19 today

Raising BoysAuthor: Roberta I. Teague
I scrub the wall of fingerprints, Pick up the mounds of clothes. I sweep the dirt that shoes track in- Wish I could use a hose! Meals are served from dawn to dark, Dirty dishes crowd the sink. Just when they’re washed and put away- Everyone wants a drink!The washer pulls the dirty grime From pants worn thin and patched. They look so very neat and clean- Yuck, look what the pockets hatched! Broken bones and bloody knees, I should have been a nurse. I take it all in shaky stride- Just grateful it’s not worse! Screams and shouts and argumentsTest the keeping of my cool. They left the neighbor’s faucet on- See their new front yard pool! A soothing bath is ecstasy, A reward at the end of my rope. Raising boys isn’t really bad- But first I must wash the soap! A rose can say I Love You, Orchids can enthrall;But a weed bouquet in a chubby fist, Oh my, that says it all!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Jesse Cole Crockett Gashler Bofrog Goertz
JJJ. Junk food Junkie Jesse.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh My He's 45

Happy Birthday!
Mack Mack
Little Mack
and best of all
GrandPac Mack